Thang Luang Cave incidence… few things to learn
Thailand Thang Luang cave rescue operation, that the world witnessed last week was an excellent example of well coordinated exercise between Brave hearted rescue team and health services.
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Overthinking and Obesity
“There is more than just wishful thinking about food that can make you fat”
Foodies are a category of people who dream of a gastronomic extravaganza as food is their passion. They eat out of love for food, a hobby sorts rather than out of hunger pangs;
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Eating right to feel light
"What does not feel right in your fight against succumbing to the desires of your tongue?" "Right" is a very reprimanding word for the ever stubborn and aggressive generation of today;
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Anemia - Because Being Silent Is Not The Solution!
As much as we talk about Diabetes, Heart Diseases and Cancer, the discussions on many other adverse health conditions which damage overall health and affect quality of life is generally skipped.
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Mobiles as medical advisor!
A very popular cellular network brand has just released a commercial which shows an old couple enjoying a cake, after their e-medical advisor confirmed their blood-sugar levels to be ok. This less than 2 minute advertisement says it all! The power of androids, 4G, and the on-the-go connectivity has made mobile phones and tablets a mass appeal for all strata and every need!
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If diagnosed anemic, what next?
“You look pale!
You appear weak, tired and without stamina almost always....”
How many of us have heard this at some point of time in our life? Every mother almost always ends up feeding their kids using the above statements as a norm. Even when we step into a doctor's clinic, we find the physician checking the eye pallor followed by reprimanding us for not eating on time. The next logical step this preliminary assessment ends up in is a blood test.

Myriad faces of malnutrition
Malnutrition has been popularly considered as a dreaded “third world” term. The moment reports mention this word, majority of us conjure up an image of the poor countries, where men, women and children alike look pale, sick and showcase a skeletal frame. Now, that’s not completely a fault, as the media generally projects malnutrition as a poor country epidemic.
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